Issue #120
- No memory of being warm. >>Winter Time.
- Narrative strands. >>Thread Ripper. >>Flora digitalica.
- All the rest were men. >>Raiment.
- Ognosia. >>The Books of Jacob.
- Sexual harassment, the novel. >>Down from Upland.
- Rewriting human history. >>The Dawn of Everything.
- Slow Torture. >>How to Loiter in a Turf War.
- Love in times of terror. >>I Will Die in a Foreign Land.
- Revisions and the ear. >>'The Septology'.
- The abyss between what we think about and what we actually do. >>The Life of the Mind.
- Open to the unforeseen. >>After the Sun.
- "The short story, as a form, excels in the depiction of solitude and isolation." >>Joy Williams.
- A study in failure. >>The Cheap-Eaters.
- Writers shouldn't talk.
- Impossibility does not erase desire. >>Half-Light.
- Lounge singers. >>Never Let Me Go.
- House as archive.
- History as fragment.
- "Television was my first real drug." >>Rusty Brown.
- [Some books are considerably less unreadable than others.]
- How to be a good publisher.
- Embroidered balloons.
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