The Interesting Times #238 (26.11.24) Issue #238Obsessive. >>Episodes. The superb Mr Shuker. >>The Royal Free. Disintegrating fabric. >>The Royal Free. Hope for the future. >>Gliff. Seven-line stories. >>Slender Volumes. The laughing stock. >>The Life and Opinions of Kartik Popat. The purpose and reward of reading. >>Creation Lake. From the same imagination. >>McGlue. The Carnegie Libraries. >>As You Will. The limitations of the mind. >>Alphabetical Diaries. Not really a vegetable. >>Shattered. Wholly insightful. >>Birnam Wood. What he wants you to know. >>Forest of Noise. A Masterclass. >>New Stories. The library of Ralph Hotere. Lots (and lots) of cats. Is the 20th century novel a genre?Submit!In search of the Moomins in Helsinki. For the health of your democracy. A history of America!We still have small joys. >>Watch something!Witch Way? Support The Interesting Times by buying the interesting books! VOLUME Books26 November 2024 Facebook0 Twitter 0 Likes