BOOK OF THE WEEK! : 4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster
Is this Auster's four-fold masterpiece?
Come and get yourself a copy and become immediately enmeshed in the four possible strands of the life of its protagonist. Only fiction can provide this ability to live alternative lives.
>> Read Stella's review.
>> 4-3-2-1-0! Auster reads an extract.
>> and another extract.
>> "A sprinting elephant."
>> "Auster has always been interested in those chance events that send a person whose life was running smoothly on one track careening off in some unexpected direction."
>> An interesting interview with Auster.
>> He may not own a computer but he does have an interesting FaceBook page.
>> "America does not resemble the country I grew up in."
>> Auster is "very frightened and very angry."
>> But what keeps Auster awake at night?