Wanted: The search for the Modernist murals of E. Mervyn Taylor is our Book of the Week this week at VOLUME. Edited by Bronwyn Holloway-Smith and published by Massey University Press, the book shows that New Zealand artist E. Mervyn Taylor was not only an internationally influential wood engraver. During the burgeoning of New Zealand cultural nationalism of the 1960s, he also produced a dozen murals for government and civic buildings. Some were later destroyed or covered over. This book records the recovery of a distinctive artistic legacy. 

>> The great mural hunt

>> Pictorial parade (1962): "Hutt Science, Patrons of the arts".

>> The restoration of 'Te Ika-a-Akoranga'. 

>> A list of the murals, some of which had been boarded over before rediscovery.

>> Some wood engravings in the Auckland Art Gallery

>> A brief biography (Te Ara).