BOOK OF THE WEEK: Ostensibly a memoir of sixteen years living with their dog, Rosie, Afterglow by Eileen Myles is a beautifully written contemplation of everything that has touched on Myles's life in that time (and a lively experiment in the memoir form).

>> I Must Be Living Twice: New and selected poems, 1975-2014

>> Chelsea Girls, Myles's autobiographical novel of surviving as a poet in New York in the 1970s and 1980s, assailed the 'wall' between memoir and fiction. 

>> Merk

>> Myles would have made a good US President

>> The story behind the presidential bid

>> Myles will be NO LONGER appearing next week at the Auckland Writers Festival as their event has been CANCELLED

>> Myles will be judging this year's Sarah Broom Poetry Prize.

>> Meet Myles at her home page.