The thought part of the act. Our Book of the Week this week is this fascinating first retrospective collection of the work of Christchurch artist Tony de Lautour. US v THEM (published by the Christchurch Art Gallery) is an excellent survey of the practices and obsessions of this savagely interesting artist sprung from Christchurch's itching cultural underbelly. With essays and contributions from Peter Vangioni, Blair Jackson, Lara Strongman, James Dann, Sara Devine, André Hemer and Peter Robinson. 

>> The "low-brow high art world of Tony de Lautour".

>> Standing room only (with image gallery).

>> From earthquakes to fatherhood

>> Real Art

>> At CAC: "De Lautour’s early works drew from wide-ranging sources including seedy underground street culture, tattoos, post-punk music and comic books as well as fine English porcelain and antiques. De Lautour was awarded a New Zealand Arts Laureate in 2012, and over the past decade his painting has developed into a unique take on geometric abstraction."

>> High on the wall (timelapse).

>> About the cover image.

>> The thought part of the act