Our Book of the Week recently won a premier prize in Australia, despite its author being interned on Manus Island by the Australian government. In No Friend But the Mountains, Kurdish journalist Behrouz Boochani tells his story, from his childhood in the chestnut forests of Kurdistan to his 2013 flight from the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards to avoid arrest for his advocacy of Kurdish autonomy, to his attempt to seek asylum in Australia, only to be intercepted by the Australian navy and illegally held the Manus Island detention camp, where he still remains. He has drawn the world's attention to human rights abuses and effective torture of his fellow inmates. No Friend But the Mountains was written by text message, and translated from Farsi by Omid Tofighian. 
>> Boochani's speech on being awarded the Victorian Premier's Prize for Non-Fiction
>> Boochani also shot the film Chauka, Please Tell Us the Time on his phone within the camp. 
>> Articles by Boochani
>> Living in limbo in no-man's land
>> 'Manus Island Poem.'
>> Some poems by Boochani
>> The Australian government undermines human rights
>> "The shame will outlive us all." - Richard Flanagan
>> The detention centre is officially closed, but the detention effectively remains