This week's Book of the Week is the wonderfully sharp and insightful Human Relations and Other Difficulties by Mary-Kay Wilmers. Wilmers was one of the founders of the London Review of Books in 1979, and has been its editor since 1992. In all that time, she - and the magazine - have fearlessly interrogated books and politics for their deeper and wider implications, often courting controversy. In these essays - on everything from mistresses to marketing, and seduction to psychoanalysis - Wilmers's uncompromising intelligence, perfect phrasing and devastating wit are evident on every page.
>> Mary-Kay Wilmers talks with Kim Hill
>> The Big Interview
>> The London Review of Books (we recommend a subscription!). 
>> It takes 1 minute and 55 seconds for the LRB to get from the editors' floor to your front door
>> Some reviews by Wilmers from the LRB archive.  
>> What is Mary-Kay Wilmers getting so right? 
>> Wilmers has written a collective biography of her mother's fascinating Russian relations, The Eitingons
>> Nina Stibbe's book Love, Nina was written about her time working as a nanny in Mary-Kay Wilmers's house. >> The book was adapted for television