Spring by Ali Smith is our Book of the Week this week at VOLUME. What unites Katherine Mansfield, Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Rilke, Beethoven, Brexit, the present, the past, the north, the south, the east, the west, a man mourning lost times, a woman trapped in modern times? With an eye to the migrancy of story over time, Ali Smith tells the impossible tale of an impossible time: now.
>> Read Stella's review.
>> "We must look to ourselves for hope."
>> "Luminous and generous." - Guardian
>> "This young generation is showing us that we need to change and we can change."
>> How should authors approach the task of writing a novel today?
>>On newness and the novel.
>>The book is also available as a lovely hardback.
>> Read Stella's reviews of the other books in the quartet published so far: Autumn and Winter.
>> The covers feature paintings by David Hockney: 'Early November Tunnel', 'Winter Tunnel' and 'Late Spring Tunnel'.
>>Hockney at work on the series.
>> Hockney's 'Four Seasons' video installation.
>> Other books by Ali Smith.
>>'Once upon a life'.
>> The art of fiction.
>>How much does Ali Smith speculate about the meeting of Rainer Maria Rilke and Katherine Mansfield in the Hôtel Château Bellevue in Sierre in 1921?
>>'Half an Apple.'