“This book about my family is not about my family at all, but about something quite different: the way memory works, and what memory wants from me,” writes Maria Stepanova in this week's Book of the Week, In Memory of Memory. When Stepanova inherits an apartmentful of family letters, photographs, journals and mementos, she tries to make sense of it all and begins to wonder just what it is she wants of the past—and what the past wants of her.
>>Read Thomas's review.
>>Love's labours should be lost.
>>The altar of oblivion
>>Sex and the Dead
>>Telling the story of people who didn't want to be noticed
>>Maria Stepanova and translator Sasha Dugdale discuss and read from the book
>>Everything rhymes
>>A writer shakes her family tree
>>Poetry as resistance? 
>>On Russia's current obsession with the past
>>"Mad Russia hurt me into poetry."
>>Stepanova founded Colta
>>Find out more about the translator, the poet Sasha Dugdale. 
>>The book has just been shortlisted for the 2021 International Booker Prize
>>Your copy.
>>War of the Beasts and the Animals
>>The Voice Over.