Our Book of the Week, The Lobster's Tale, plays remarkable water-themed photographs by Bruce Foster against a text by Chris Price ostensibly 'about' the natural and cultural history of lobsters — but actually encompassing musings on ambition, perfectionism, authorship, control, heroism, individualism, and other hazards of human endeavour (hazards that we may at times mistake for virtues). Another voice, below the waterline, threads along the foot of each page and shows a different, more lyrical way of thinking. The book is beautifully produced, and provides ample space for the reader/viewer to make their own thoughts.
>>Have a look inside.
>>Foster and Price talk about their collaboration.
>>"Uplifted from the mind of a dreamer."
>>"Watching my climate nightmare come true."
>>Bruce Foster's 'Postcards from New Zealand.'
>>Books by Chris Price.
>>Your copy of The Lobster's Tale.
>>Other books in the Kōrero series:
High Wire by Lloyd Jones and Euan Macleod
Shining Land: Looking for Robin Hyde by Paula Morris and Haru Sameshima.