Book of the Week. Bordering on Miraculous, a collaboration or conversation between poet Lynley Edmeades and painter Saskia Leek, leads the reader to find depth in small things and wonder in the everyday. By restricting the range of their concerns to the most familiar but often least-considered aspects of our lives, both writer and artist touch on crucial aspects of their disciplines and uncover a philosophical depth to the most quotidian of situations. Another volume in Massey University Press's beautiful and thoughtful 'Kōrero Series' of pairings, edited by Lloyd Jones.
>>Read Thomas's review.
>>Look inside!
>>Out of the blue and exciting.
>>A remarkable process of expansion.
>>The match-maker.
>>The other books in the 'Kōrero Series': High Wire by Lloyd Jones & Euan Macleod; Shining Land by Paula Morris and Haru Sameshima; The Lobster's Tale by Chris Price and Bruce Foster.
>>The match-maker.
>>The other books in the 'Kōrero Series': High Wire by Lloyd Jones & Euan Macleod; Shining Land by Paula Morris and Haru Sameshima; The Lobster's Tale by Chris Price and Bruce Foster.
>>Listening In.