Author of the Week: JEN CRAIG

Jen Craig has written three remarkable novels, each a thought-fugue inside the head of its protagonist (so to call her). Craig’s wonderful sentences loop and repeat and mutate, revealing the immense pressure of memory on the short periods of mundane action (or inaction) that form their ostensible narratives, and the ways in which consciousness (so to call it) slips sideways and onto new paths to avoid that pressure, and yet is drawn again and again back towards the irritation (so to call it) that it can neither assuage nor transcend. Recommended!
Find out more:
>>Since the Accident (2009/2023).
>>Panthers and the Museum of Fire (2015/2020/2023)
>>Wall (2023).
>>Read Thomas’s review of Panthers and the Museum of Fire.
>>Slow literature.
>>Animated by the depth of withheld information.
>>Not too much of a stretch.
>>Talking and walking.
>>Not many of us there.
>>Being in lieu.
>>The heirs of Thomas Bernhard.