Book of the Week: THE AXEMAN'S CARNIVAL by Catherine Chidgey

Book of the Week: Catherine Chidgey's latest inventive, acute and entertaining novel THE AXEMAN’S CARNIVAL has just been awarded the prestigious Jann Medlicott Acord Prize for Fiction at the 2023 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards. Narrated by Tama, a magpie who very cleverly 'does all the voices' and mimics even an author's relationship to their story and characters, the novel treats life in the backblocks of rural Aotearoa as a scenario in which humans fail to suppress their inner faults and play out their ambivalences towards each other and toward the so-called natural world.
>>All hail the Book of the Year.
>>Each book is a different creature.
>>Book of the Week: Bird of the Year
>>Life on the farm
>>Pecky reviews the book
>>An excellent conversation with Sara Baume (author of Seven Steeples). 
>>"There's a fire under me."
>>The New Zealand 12" Championship
>>Read Stella's review of The Wish Child
>>Read Thomas's review of The Beat of the Pendulum
>>Remote Sympathy
>>Quardleoodleardlewardledoodle #1
>>Quardleardleoodlewardledoodle #2
>>Other winners in the 2023 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards.
>>Your copy of The Axeman's Carnival.