I, OBJECT by Stella Chrysostomou

I, Object is a collection of short texts by jewellery objects, as told to jeweller Stella Chrysostomou.
In these 38 stories, jewellery objects reflect on their relationship to the world, to each other, and with their human acquaintances (their makers, wearers, viewers, and owners). 
These texts ask us to reconsider our attitudes to, and our thinking about, jewellery, and — the tables turned — to experience jewellery afresh. 

Stella Chrysostomou is a jeweller and writer (and co-owner of VOLUME). As editor of I, Object, she is immensely grateful to the jewellery objects for their co-operation and contributions. Any errors in translation are her own.


"What?" — Steve Braunias, NewsRoom

"Whimsical and delightful." — Alyson Baker (>>read the full review here)

Listen to Stella read some of the stories:

Lucky Rabbit
Stella Chrysostomou
Skin 1
Stella Chrysostomou
Stella Chrysostomou
Existential Clasp
Stella Chrysostomou
General Bigshot
Stella Chrysostomou
Waiting 2
Stella Chrysostomou
Skin 5
Stella Chrysostomou
Heist: Ramming
Stella Chrysostomou

>>Also available by Stella Chrysostomou: LIKE: An experiment in interpretation.