EXPANDING HORIZONS — Excellent Aotearoa Chapter Books!
From adventures across untamed landscapes, to shapeshifting creatures, to kids finding their way and their culture, here is a selection of best-sellers from VOLUME for 9-14 year olds. These engaging books light the fire of the imagination. They encourage curiosity, understanding and empathy. Some are standout adventures, while others quietly reveal.
Award-winning author Stacy Gregg won the Margaret Mahy Book of Year at last year’s children’s book awards for her superb Nine Girls. This was an important book for Gregg and was a departure from her highly polished pony club titles. Here the author has skin in the game; — it’s her childhood, and her journey in te ao Māori which resonates on every page giving this adventure story that extra bite. But it is the protaganist, Titch, who will stay with you. It’s the late 1970s and Dad has been made redundant. It’s time to pack up and move from Remuera to Ngāruawāhia — a culture shock for TItch and her sister, but also the stuff of holidays and relatives with tall tales. One tall tale takes hold: Gold!
Nine Girls is a coming-of-age story about family, culture and friendship. It takes on big issues like racism, the emotional challenges of illness, and facing death. And with the brilliant Titch at the centre and Gregg’s masterful story-telling this is an absolute winner.
I can’t stop recommending Brown Bird by Jane Arthur. I love this book. Rebecca is the best timid character and Brown Bird has flown straight into the realm of a VOLUME Favourite. Why? One: there’s a map! Two: there’s the wonderful Rebecca and the delightful Chester. Three: Brown Bird is a story about friendship. Four: It’s a spot-on depiction of that moment in childhood — Rebecca is eleven — when things change, emotionally and physically. Five: It deals with emotions with honesty and care. Rebecca’s anxiety and frustration is all there and well articulated, but so too is her kindness and tenacity. Six: I love the quietness of Brown Bird. It’s a book that draws you in, lets you think, and also makes you smile. And Seven: It’s sweetly written. Brown Bird is an excellent book for anyone who’s taken a while to believe in themselves.
The Mapmakers’ Race by Eirlys Hunter is a superbly well-paced adventure. Meet the Santander family - explorers and mapmakers. When Ma misses the train, Sal, the twins Joe and Francie, along with young Humphrey, are on their own, making their way to Grand Prospect as entrants in the Great Mapmakers' Race, a competition to map a railway route through the uncharted wilderness from Grand Prospect to the port at New Coalhaven. The fastest team wins the prize, and the best map, the grand prize, will become the new railway. And all this needs to be done in 28 days!
A highly enjoyable read-aloud or keep-to-yourself. The Mapmakers’ Race will have some children reaching for ink and paper to become wondrous mapmakers, and others out in the wilderness, exploring and making tracks. Charming, exciting and just a little dangerous.
And there’s a sequel! The Uprising brings us more daring;—this time high up in the mountains of Cruxcia with villians and unlikely heroes, and an environmental scam to scupper!
Ella loves horses. She loves her gran Grizzly and her home in a southern rural town. She’s most at home on her pony Magpie cantering across the hills, especially at her favourite time of the day — the grimmelings — a time when magic can happen.
The Grimmelings is a gripping story of a girl growing up, of secrets unfolded, and a vengeful kelpie. Like her equally excellent previous children’s book, Red Rocks (now an exciting TV series), King cleverly entwines the concerns of a young teen with an adventure story steeped in mythology. In Red Rocks, a selkie plays a central role, here it is the kelpie. The beauty of The Grimmelings lies in its adventure and in the courage of a girl and her horse, who together may withstand a powerful being, and maybe even break a curse! Laced with magical words, intriguing mythology, and plenty of horses, it’s a compelling and emotional ride.